Popcorn Time is an application that allows you to watch movies and on-demand videos for free. This app is a free alternative to paid video streaming services like Netflix. You can stream an unlimited collection of movies and TV shows, ...

TuneIn is an application that allows you to listen to live sports, music, podcast, news, and radio from around the world. This app permits you to access plenty of live stations, original scores, and on-demand music at your fingertips. TuneIn ...

Twitch is an online video streaming app that contains videos about gaming. It is the most useful application for gamers to enhance their gaming skills and showcase their talents. The pro gamers will stream their live gameplay on the Twitch ...

TSN is a popular Canadian sports channel that comprises sports content from all TSN networks, such as TSN1, TSN2, TSN3, TSN4, and TSN5. You can also find major sports leagues like NHL, NBA, CFL, NFL, MLS, MLB, etc. Apart from ...

Yahoo Sports is a free service that comprises all sports-related news. It has news and updates from all the sports like NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Soccer, Boxing, Cricket, and much more. In addition to news and updates, you can also ...

Google Duo is one of the top-rated video calling apps available for smart devices. By using your Google account and your phone number, you can activate the app to make audio and video calls for free. Once the app gets ...

Xfinity Stream is an online media streaming application that allows you to stream on-demand videos, top-rated movies, and TV series. The Xfinity Stream is available both as an application and as a website for more than 20 devices, including Android, ...

Udemy is an online learning platform for learning about anything from home itself. It provides courses from Universities and Colleges around the world. The Udemy app has categorized the courses for easy locating. It has an offline mode to download ...

Google Podcasts is one of the mainstream audio streaming apps dedicated to Podcasts. It has millions of Podcasts from various channels in the library. The podcasts can be downloaded in the app, and you can access them in the Downloads ...

ABC is the American Broadcasting Company that allows you to watch Live TV channels and the latest episodes of ABC shows. You can personalize your viewing experience by creating a free account and syncing your activities on multiple devices. The ...