Exploring the Best Tips and Tricks for Streaming Enthusiasts

Tips and Tricks for Streaming Enthusiasts

Is there anything scarier than being in the spotlight in real-time? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced live streamer, streaming IRL (in real life) can feel overwhelming. But it can also be thrilling and rewarding. It’s a great way to connect with your audience, unleash your creativity, and boost your earnings from live streams. However, before you become an important question, how can I be interested while streaming? Here’s your ticket to the next level of streaming.

How Do I Become a Successful Full-time Streamer?

#1 Avoid Complex Systems

You know what they say, “Less is more,” right? Well, the same goes for live streaming. The more equipment you have, the more chances for something to go wrong – and let’s be honest, that’s the last thing you need when you’re live. It’s all about embracing a minimalist lifestyle, buying only what you truly need. Trust me, your webcam can do wonders. However, it’s always a good idea to have backups for your essential equipment, especially when going live. We all know that things happen, but imagine the satisfaction of smoothly replacing a broken cable with the spare one you had the foresight to purchase. It’s all about being prepared!

#2 Use VPN

Among the various streaming devices such as Chromecast and others, the software stands out. In particular – VPN. If you don’t want your IP to be intercepted and disrupted, use a powerful VPN like VeePN. On VeePN you can find 2500+ servers, powerful security, 256-bit encryption, and even a free trial version. Using a VPN is good practice for a streamer of any level.

#3 Focus on the Essentials: Video, Sound, and Lighting

When it comes to your live stream, you want it to look and sound amazing. Why? Because your viewers expect nothing less! Unlike pre-recorded videos, there are no second chances here, so you really want to get it right!

  • First things first, avoid backlighting your subject. If the light source is behind the person on camera, it will create a silhouette effect that isn’t ideal.
  • Also, be mindful of the sun when shooting outdoors. Sun glare can give your footage a streaky glow, so if your audience starts reaching for sunglasses, it might be time to consider a change in location.
  • When it comes to your wardrobe, stick to simple fabrics and solid colors. Good lighting on a camera tends to favor solids and materials that aren’t too shiny. Patterns can be distracting, so it’s best to avoid them.
  • Consider using a lapel mic, especially if you’re filming outdoors or in a noisy area. This simple mic can help minimize background noise and ensure clear audio.

#4 Choose your Software

Choosing the right broadcasting software is another important step. There are several cool apps available in the market right now, and the good news is that the best ones are free to use. OBS Studio is a widely used streaming program, that is free and open-source. It supports every streaming platform and offers high performance and stability. For a seamless experience, Restream Studio is worth checking out. It can be used directly in your browser without any downloads required. With Studio, you can effortlessly feature guests on your stream, engage with viewers across multiple platforms, share your screen, and add copyright-free background music and custom overlays, among many other features.

#5 Look at the Camera

When you’re speaking to others, maintaining eye contact is crucial, and the same applies when you’re on camera. Instead of staring at your own reflection on the screen, make it a point to look directly into the camera. This not only helps you appear genuine, but it also increases the chances of your words being memorable!

#6 Be Consistent

Imagine your fans as new friends. If you show up once and then disappear completely, they’re less likely to stick around for long. The same applies to live streaming – whether you go live weekly or monthly, it’s a good idea to establish a schedule so your live streamers know when to anticipate your video content and broadcasts. Don’t be that friend who disappears without a trace!


Another bonus tip is to keep an eye on your idols. You can learn a lot from your co-workers. Development is what makes viewers watch you constantly. Of course, it is also important to be an interesting person and choose the right game, but it is personal qualities that come to the fore. Do not forget to develop and you will succeed.